Predavanje za učitelje med tekmovanjem RTK
V soboto 23. 3. 2013 bo med tekmovanjem RTK potekalo tudi predavanje za učitelje in mentorje. Vabljeni gost predavanja bo Peter Micheuz, profesor na gimnaziji in vodja izobraževanja učiteljev Informatike na Univerzi v Celovcu.
Predavanje bo na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani ob 10.00 - 11.30 v predavalnici 1.
Naslov predavanja:
From Digital Literacy to Informatics - a wide field (What is going on worldwide and especially in German speaking countries)
O avtorju:
Peter Micheuz is since 1979 an Austrian teacher for Mathematics, Phsyics and Informatics at the Alpen-Adria- Gymnasium Völkermarkt and since 2000 in charge of teachers’ education for Informatics at the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt. As generalist and digital immigrant he publishes in the domains of Informatics education and E-Learning. His publication list is available here.