
Slovenija bronasta na srednjeevropski olimpijadi v računalništvu in informatiki

Ob zaključku šestindvajsete srednjeevropske olimpijade v računalništvu in informatiki CEOI 29. julija 2019 so podelili pet zlatih, devet srebrnih in štirinajst bronastih kolajn. Najboljši Slovenec je bil Benjamin Bajd, ki je s 15. mestom izmed vseh prejemnikov bronastih odličij osvojil najboljši rezultat. Zmagal je Tóth Balázs iz Madžarske.

Olimpijade, ki je potekala med 23. in 29. julijem 2019, se je letos udeležilo 55 tekmovalcev in trinajstih držav, štirje tekmovalci so bili iz Slovenije. Srednješolci so reševali po tri naloge v vsakem od dveh tekmovalnih dni. Pri vsaki nalogi so lahko dosegli po 100 točk, vendar letos kar treh nalog nihče ni rešil za 100 točk in ene od le-teh treh ene niti za 50 točk. Slednje kaže na to, da so bile letos naloge težje, kar daje še večjo težo slovenskemu uspehu.

Vrstni red (celotni vrstni red)


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2018/2019 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2018/2019
Internet online contest series

As part of the COCI series, we are hosting an Internet online contest with problems from the Croatian Olympiad in Informatics 2019.
The contest is primarily intended for high school contestants,
but is open to all interested!

This contest is used in Croatia to select members of the IOI team.
There will be 4 TASKS and the contest will be 5 HOURS long.
It will be held on Sunday, April 14, starting at 15:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html.
You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!


Državno tekmovanje ACM iz računalništva in informatike

23.3.2019, je na Institutu Jožef Stefan in Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko potekalo 14. državno tekmovanje ACM RTK, kjer so se srednješolke in srednješolci pomerili v znanju računalništva in informatike v eni izmed treh težavnostnih skupin ter se preizkusili tudi na tekmovanju v izdelavi spletnih aplikacij.

Dogodek sta odprla prof. dr. Gašper Fijavž, prodekan Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Ljubljani in prof. dr. Nikolaj Zimic, predsednik ACM Slovenija.



Open Lithuanian National Finals 2019 - March 30-31

Open Lithuanian National Finals 2019 - March 30-31
The Final Round of Lithuanian Olympiad in
Informatics (senior division) is open for on-line guests.
You are welcome to invite your students to participate!
The First round of the Competition will take place on
Saturday, March 30th, starting at 9:30 AM UTC. The Second round
will take place the next day, on Sunday, March 31st,
starting at 8:30 AM UTC.
Contestants will have to solve 3 tasks in 5 hours, each day
(6 tasks in total).
You may use C or C++ as your programming language of

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2018/2019 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2018/2019
Internet online contest series

The sixth contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, March 9, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature five tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C/C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2018/2019 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2018/2019
Internet online contest series

The fifth contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, February 9, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature five tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C/C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2018/2019 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2018/2019 Internet online contest series

The third contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, December 15, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature five tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C/C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

This is the thirteenth year in a row that we are hosting the COCI series. You
can find the tasks (statements, test data and solutions) from the previous
years at http://hsin.hr/coci/. There are over 500 original tasks for
students to practice on!


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2018/2019
Internet online contest series

The second contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, November 17, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Over the next six months we will organize seven online contests
as a warm-up for the 2019 season of high school programming competitions.
Everyone is welcome to participate!

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature five tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C/C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

CEOI 2018 zaključen

Slovenska ekipa s poljskim spremljevalcem

 Petindvajseta srednjeevropska olimpijada v računalništvu in informatiki CEOI se zaključuje (https://ceoi2018.pl/). Včeraj so bile še podeljene nagrade in kolajne in danes se slovenska ekipa vrača v domovino. Letošnja olimpijada je bila v Varšavi v organizaciji Univerze v Varšavi. Na njej je tekmovalo 55 tekmovalcev in štirinajstih držav – po ena ekipa na državo, le gostitelji imajo pravico do dveh ekip. Srednješolci so reševali po tri naloge v vsakem od dveh tekmovalnih dni. Po prvem dnevu je bilo na vrhu zanimivo stanje, saj je imelo kar dvanajst tekmovalcev vse točke. So se pa naloge drugega dne izkazale za težje, saj ene ni rešil v celoti nihče. Kljub temu sta si prvo mesto delila tekmovalca iz tradicionalno najboljših držav v srednji Evropi, iz Poljske in Romunije. Dosegla sta po 565 točk od 600 možnih. Poleg njiju so zlate kolajne dobili še trije tekmovalci in sicer še eden srednješolec iz Gruzije in še po en tekmovalec iz Poljske in Romunije. Poleg petih zlatih kolajn je bilo podeljenih še devet srebrnih in štirinajst bronastih kolajn.


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