

24. marec 2018


Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2017/2018 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2017/2018
Internet online contest series

As part of the COCI series, we are hosting an Internet online contest 
with problems from the Croatian Olympiad in Informatics 2018.
The contest is primarily intended for high school contestants,
but is open to all interested!

This contest is used in Croatia to select members of the IOI team.
There will be 4 TASKS and the contest will be 5 HOURS long.
It will be held on Sunday, March 25, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html.
You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

Unfortunately there will be no full feedback during the contest as we lack
the computational resources necessary to enable that feature for a contest of this size.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

Državno tekmovanje ACM iz računalništva in informatike

Državno tekmovanje ACM iz računalništva in informatike bo v soboto, 24.3.2018.

Tekmovanje bo potekalo na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko (Večna pot 113, Ljubljana) in Institutu Jožef Stefan (Jamova 39, Ljubljana).



Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana


Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2017/2018 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2017/2018
Internet online contest series

The seventh contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, March 3, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks. The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

Univerzitetni programerski maraton 2018

ACM Slovenija razpisuje Univerzitetni programerski maraton 2018. Tekmovanje bo sestavljeno iz:

  • poskusnega kola,
  • treh predkol in
  • finalnega kola.

Datumi posameznih kol so objavljeni na koledarju. Finalno kolo bo potekalo v Mariboru, najboljše študentske ekipe pa se bodo udeležile Srednjeevropskega tekmovanja ACM ICPC CERC.

Ker se poskusno kolo že bliža, ste vabljeni, da prijavite svojo ekipo. Rok za prijavo je teden dni pred prvim kolom.


International Olympiads in Informatics in Teams

The final round of the ioIT 2017/18 (International Olympiads in Informatics in Teams) will be held tomorrow, February 16th, 2018. Even if you missed the first rounds, your teams can still join in!

The contest is intended for teams of 4 high school contestants, it consists of 7 problems in english at a lower difficulty level than IOI, and lasts for 3 hours USACO-style: teams can choose a time window starting from 17:30 in the CEST/CET time zone, and ending 24 hours after that. For detailed information on how to participate see this post.

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2017/2018 Internet online contest series

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2017/2018
Internet online contest series

The sixth contest in the series will be held on this Saturday, February 3, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks. The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!


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