
Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2016/2017 Internet online contest series

The third contest in the series will be held on
this Saturday, November 26, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

This is the eleventh year in a row that we are hosting the COCI series. You
can find the tasks (statements, test data and solutions) from the previous
ten years at http://hsin.hr/coci/. There are ove 400 original tasks for

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics COCI 2016/2017 Internet online contest series

The second contest in the series will be held on
this Saturday, November 5, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

This is the eleventh year in a row that we are hosting the COCI series. You
can find the tasks (statements, test data and solutions) from the previous
ten years at http://hsin.hr/coci/. There are ove 400 original tasks for

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2016/2017
Internet online contest series

Over the next six months we will organize eight online contests
as a warm-up for the 2017 season of high school programming competitions.
Everyone is welcome to participate!

Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we hope that many
beginner or up-and-coming contestants will participate, as well as
the more experienced ones.

The first contest will be held on Saturday, 15 October 2016, starting
at 14:00 (GMT/UTC). Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html

You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system

We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!

Italian Olympiad in Informatics -- Open Contest

For the first time, the Italian national contest (valid for the selection of the Italian IOI team) will be mirrored into an online open contest. The contest is primarily intended for high school contestants, but everyone is welcome to participate!
Participation will be available upon registration to the Italian trainings website (localized also in english):
The login information obtained can then be used in the dedicated page for online contests:
Two contest will be held in connection with the italian national contest:
Practice round
2016 September 8th to 14th, 5 hours time starting from first login

National contest
2016 September 16th, 10:00-15:00 CEST


Bronasta medalja na CEOI

Slovenski dijaki so se ponovno uspešno odrezali na Srednje-evropski olimpijadi informatike CEOI v Romuniji, v kraju Piatra-Neamț. V ekipi so štirje tekmovalci in sicer Mihail Denkovski, Rok Krumpak, Tim Poštuvan in Žiga Željko, ki je tudi dosegel bronasto medaljo! Uradni rezultati bodo kmalu dosegljivi tudi na uradni spletni strani.


Tekmovanje v šolskem letu 2016/2017

Znana sta datuma šolskega in državnega tekmovanja RTK za srednješolce:

  • šolsko tekmovanje RTK: 20. 1. 2017
  • državno tekmovanje RTK: 25. 3. 2017

JOI Open Contest 2016

JOI Open Contest 2016 is an IOI-like open competition for students at
schools for secondary education. The main purpose of this contest is
to give Japanese delegations and candidates of delegations an opportunity
for training and practice. But the contest itself is open to everybody.
Everybody is welcome to attend JOI Open Contest 2016!
This year, the contest will be held on 19 June, 2016.
The duration of the contest is 5 hours. The same contests will be held
twice (Round 1 and Round 2). Contestants can participate in one of
Round 1 or Round 2 according to their time zone. After Round 2 finishes,
we will open the judging server for one day. Interested contestants can
improve and resubmit their solutions by themselves.
After the contest finishes, we will fix the standings.
No prizes will be given to the contestants.
Contest duration: 5 hours

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics

Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
COCI 2015/2016
Internet online contest series

As part of the COCI series, we are hosting an Internet online contest
with problems from the Croatian Olympiad in Informatics 2016.
The contest is primarily intended for high school contestants,
but is open to all interested!

This contest is used in Croatia to select members of the IOI team.
There will be 4 TASKS and the contest will be 5 HOURS long.
It will be held on Saturday, April 2, starting at 14:00 (GMT/UTC).
Check out your local times at http://hsin.hr/coci/next_contest.html.
You may use Python, Pascal, C, C++ or Java as your programming language of choice.

The two relevant websites are:
http://hsin.hr/coci/ - information about the contest
http://evaluator.hsin.hr/ - contest system
We hope that you will join us or encourage your students to do so!


Rekordno število udeležencev na državnem RTK!

V soboto 19. 3. 2016 je potekalo državno tekmovanje iz računalništva in informatike za srednješolce RTK v organizaciji Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko UL, Instituta Jožef Stefan, Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko UL, Fakultete za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko UM ter društva ACM Slovenije, ki se ga je udeležilo kar 197 dijakov in osnovnošolcev. Veseli smo, da se je ob 40. obletnici tekmovanja udeležilo letošnjega tekmovanja rekordno število učencev, kar je odličen rezultat in popotnica za prihodnje na področju računalništva in informatike v Sloveniji.


Državno tekmovanje RTK se bliskovita bliža

Šolsko tekmovanje se je uspešno zaključilo in sedaj se že bliskovito približujemo državnemu tekmovanju RTK, ki bo to soboto, 19. marca 2016. Letos bo tekmovanje še posebej pomembno, saj obeležujemo 40. obletnico računalniških tekmovanj v Sloveniji! In kot se za takšno lepo obletnico spodobi, bo tudi število dijakov rekordno.

Letos se bomo zbrali zjutraj ob 8:15 na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer bo tudi potekalo samo tekmovanje in aktivnosti za mentorje. Po tekmovanju bo organiziran prevoz do Instituta Jožef Stefan, kjer bo kosilo, nadaljevalni program tako za dijake kot mentorje in zaključna slovesnost.


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